US FCC approves AR, VR & IoT devices to use the 6GHz frequency band

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has recently approved the use of the 6 GHz frequency band for various devices, including Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR), and Internet of Things (IoT) devices. This decision will allow these devices to operate in the 5.925-7.125 GHz band. It will also provide a whopping 1200MHz of spectrum for unlicensed use.

US FCC 6GHz frequency

Most of the previous 6 GHz frequency bands were only for certain devices with a license. Apple, Microsoft, Meta, and other brands applied to the FCC in 2019. They were requesting the unauthorized use of the 6GHz frequency band. They claim that the 6 GHz frequency band can rely on “low interference” and “high speed”. This will allow a series of devices to no longer be constrained by cables. The FCC believes that industry innovation “needs flexibility”. However, it still requires a “series of regulations” to allow relevant equipment to have 6 GHz high-speed transmission capabilities.


The FCC’s decision to approve the use of the 6GHz frequency band for unlicensed devices was made on April 23, 2020. The decision was made to expand the unlicensed use of the 6 GHz bands by permitting very low-power devices in the 5.925-6.425 GHz and 6.525-7.125 GHz portions of the band, totalling 850 megahertz of the spectrum. The FCC’s decision will allow for the use of Wi-Fi 6, the next generation of Wi-Fi, and play a significant role in the growth of the Internet of Things.

Gizchina News of the week

Implications for AR, VR, and IoT

The FCC’s decision to approve the use of the 6GHz frequency band for unlicensed devices will have significant implications for AR, VR, and IoT devices. These devices will now have access to a large amount of spectrum. It will allow for faster and more reliable connections. This will enable AR and VR devices to provide more immersive experiences, while IoT devices will be able to communicate more efficiently with each other.



AR and VR devices require high-speed connections to provide users with a seamless experience. The use of the 6GHz frequency band will allow these devices to operate at higher speeds. This will enable them to provide more realistic and immersive experiences. This will be particularly important for applications such as gaming, where users require a high level of immersion to fully enjoy the experience.

IoT devices will also benefit from the use of the 6 GHz frequency band. These devices require a reliable and fast connection to communicate with each other. The use of the 6GHz frequency band will enable these devices to communicate more efficiently. This will aid in the development of more advanced IoT applications. For example, IoT devices will be able to monitor and control various systems in a smart home.


The FCC has approved the use of the 6GHz frequency band for AR, VR, IoT, and other devices. This will have huge implications for the future of AR, VR, IoT, and other devices. Devices will now have access to a large amount of spectrum. It will enable them to operate at higher speeds and communicate more efficiently. This will allow for the development of more advanced applications and provide users with more immersive experiences. The use of the 6GHz frequency band will play a decent role in the growth of the Internet of Things. It will also help the development of new tech and services.

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