Tanker-Like Warship Used As Floating US Navy SEAL Base

  • USS Lewis B. Puller is an expeditionary sea base stationed in the Arabian Sea.
  • Houthi rebels in Yemen claimed they hit the Puller on January 29, but US officials denied it.
  • Last month, two Navy SEALs died during a boarding operation that originated from the Puller.

USS Lewis B. Puller is an expeditionary sea base designed to support a wide variety of military operations, including those involving Navy SEALs.

The floating base is deployed to the Arabian Sea in response to ongoing attacks on commercial shipping vessels in the Red Sea by Houthi rebels, an Iranian-backed militant group in Yemen.

The 760-foot-long ESB has a unique silhouette, with an open-sided hangar space underneath the ship’s sprawling flight deck that makes it resemble a floating parking lot. It was the launch pad for a Navy SEAL mission in January that seized missile parts bound for the Houthi rebels.

Photos show the massive warship and operations conducted aboard.

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