Strada is a new tool that just went into its private beta. The tool completely transforms your editing workflow by offering many quality-of-life AI features that save you and your team time in production. During our visit to Strada’s booth in NAB 2024, we saw its current features and the efficiency the system promises in action.
So what does Strada do?

Strada can do many things for you, and I’m sure only more features will be added later. For now, let’s cover what we saw at NAB 2024. First, the AI object detection. It’s probably the most interesting feature Strada has. In essence, it tags clips based on what objects the AI recognizes. So, you could search “cat” and find your clips that contain a cat. Moreover, Strada can even show you in what part of the clip you can see the cat. This can save hours and hours of scrubbing through footage to find what you’re looking for.
Another thing I found interesting is Strada’s AI language recognition. We have already seen many tools in the industry that use AI to transcribe dialogue, such as Adobe Premiere and Davinci Resolve. But Strada has support for about 100 languages, and it can even translate transcribed text for you.
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