Selfie-obsessed tourists sink a gondola in Venice

Selfie tourists gondola Venice

Taking the perfect Instagram shot sometimes isn’t worth the risk, and a group of tourists from China recently learned this the hard way. Their gondola ride through the picturesque canals of Venice took a soggy turn when their boat capsized – all thanks to selfie-taking. They ignored their gondolier’s instructions to sit down and ended up in the cold, murky waters of the canal.

YouTube video

The incident occurred near St. Mark’s Square as the gondolier attempted a challenging maneuver under a low bridge. Unfortunately, his passengers were more interested in capturing selfies than following his safety instructions. According to reports, the tourists continued to stand and move around the gondola despite the gondolier’s repeated pleas for them to sit down and remain still. This uneven weight distribution ultimately caused the boat to tip over, sending both the tourists and the gondolier tumbling into the canal.

Fortunately, no one was injured in the incident. Although, I’m sure they were cold. According to an Instagram post from Venezia Non è Disneyland (Venezia isn’t Disneyland), the tourists were brought to safety and offered “hospitality and warmth” at the nearby La Fenice theatre. This profile sheds light on the challenges Venetians face due to a massive influx of tourists and their disrespectful behavior.

This incident serves as a reminder to all visitors to Venice, and tourists everywhere – don’t be disrespectful! respect the city’s traditions, listen to the instructions of experienced professionals, and prioritize safety over the “perfect photo” opportunity. After all, it’s probably not going to be that perfect anyway.

[via PetaPixel]

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