Picsart Launches AI “Smart Background” Tool For Product Photography

“Smart Background” is the newest image editing tool from Picsart, and it’s directed mainly at product photographers who want to simplify their workflow.

The new image editing tool is powered by generative AI and is one of a plethora of so-called AI features that Picsart has been adding to its platform.

According to the company in a recent blog post, this new tool delivers a specific focus on product photography by not just suggesting appropriate background scenes for products, but also generating them realistically.

With Smart Background, users of Picsart can add photorealistic scenes and settings to their product photos, and Picsart adds that it can generate drop shadows for products about to land on a surface along with “other contextually-aware elements.”

Two green crocodile-textured handbags on different pastel-colored backgrounds, displayed side by side with a background editing tool visible.

From there, users can further edit images based on their needs and customize all sorts of elements in their composition.

The company states,  “The result is any simple product shot can become beautiful campaign imagery to use on popular seller platforms such as Etsy, Depop, TikTok, Instagram, Amazon, and more—no equipment required,”

This is Picsart’s first-ever tool specifically for product photography though the company has already added in a total of some 20 other tools and features for marketing graphics since last year.

Previously, uses of Picsart could manually describe a background and have it rendered by AI. While this feature is still there, the new “Smart Background” takes it a step further by auto-generating visuals.

Two bottles of nail polish on a surface with a dreamy sunset background, one image showing the smart background tool interface.Two bottles of nail polish on a surface with a dreamy sunset background, one image showing the smart background tool interface.

According to Picsart in further comments about Smart Background, it, “extends Picsart’s commitment to providing comprehensive, cutting-edge tools for emerging creators, prosumers, solopreneurs, online sellers, and marketers,”

The company explains that it wants users of all kinds to be able to generate high-quality visual content as needed just from a single product photo.

Company CEO, Hovhannes Avoyan, further elaborated,

“Now everyone can create photoshoot quality right from their phones to use for endless content creation and campaigns. Whether you’re setting up an Amazon store or creating an email to promote your small business, Smart Background combined with our suite of editing tools, gives you an entire marketing studio in your pocket.”

While this particular new AI tool is one more offering in a near ocean of AI-powered photo manipulation tools that nearly all visual editing software creators are putting out today, it does fit a unique space.

Essentially, it’s one of the few AI tools for software that’s specifically aimed at product photography.

As long as it can ensure a high-quality level of photorealism, “Smart Background” could be especially useful for small business owners and online retailers working with tight budgets.

The new AI-powered product photography tool is already available in the Picsart app and can be used freely by subscribers.

Images credit: Picsart

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