OpenAI Launches App Store for ChatGPT

  • OpenAI launched a marketplace for customized versions of ChatGPT on Wednesday for paid users.
  • It’s called the GPT Store and allows users to browse through chatbots created by outside developers.
  • The app store was slated for launch in 2023, but the company’s executive shakeup delayed it.

OpenAI’s app store is here.

That means there’s now a chatbot you can turn to next time you need advice on navigating a salary offer. “The Negotiator” is a chatbot built upon OpenAI’s ChatGPT that coaches users to advocate for themselves, whether they’re preparing to talk to their boss or a used-car dealer.

It’s among dozens of chatbots that users can access through the GPT Store that OpenAI rolled out on Wednesday. 

OpenAI's new GPT Store

The Negotiator is a chatbot that coaches users to advocate for themselves and might be useful next time you’re negotiating a salary offer.

Screenshot from GPT Store.

The GPT Store is a marketplace for customized versions of ChatGPT, which the company calls simply “GPTs.” It features chatbots designed by OpenAI’s partners and third-party developers in the broader tech community that can do everything from giving laundry advice to helping with math homework or pet-related questions.

The Laundry Buddy from the GPT Store

OpenAI’s new GPT Store has chatbots for all functions including a Laundry Buddy for advice on “stains, settings, sorting, and everything laundry.”

Screenshot from GPT Store

Users who subscribe to OpenAI’s paid tiers (which start at $20 a month) can access the GPT Store through a tab on the web interface of ChatGPT.

Cocktail GPT from the GPT Store

Try Cocktail GPT if you’re looking for a drink recipe. Here’s its recipe for a Virgin Mojito.

Screenshot from GPT Store

Similar to Apple’s App Store, users can browse through the popular or trending GPTs on the community leaderboard, or search to find a specific one. GPT creators will be able to make money off their GPTs through a builder revenue program, which begins this quarter, the company said in a blog post on Wednesday. Builders will be paid based on user engagement with their GPTs, but OpenAI did not offer further specifics.

NutriCheck analyzes a lime

NutriCheck claims that it “analyzes product nutrition simply, details on request.” In this case, it provided some general details on a lime based off a simple image.

Screenshot from GPT Store

Astrology Birth Chart GPT

Astrology Birth Chart GPT claims to be an “expert astrologer.” It needs a user’s birth info to answer queries.

Screenshot from GPT Store

“Anyone can easily build their own GPT—no coding is required,” OpenAI said in a blog post ahead of the launch. The GPTs can be developed for private or public use. And users have already created over 3 million GPTs, the company noted in its post on Wednesday. Business Insider’s Aaron Mok previously managed to build a GPT in 15 minutes. On launch day, there were also 17 GPTs created “by ChatGPT” publicly available on the GPT Store, including The Negotiator.

The GPTs on the GPT Store.

Business Insider counted 17 GPTs created “by ChatGPT” on the GPT Store, but there are many more from third-party developers.

Screenshot from GPT Store


HaikuGPT is one of the third party chatbots on the GPT Store. It’s designed to format every answer as a haiku.

Screenshot from GPT Store

OpenAI CEO Sam Altman announced the GPT Store in November at Dev Day, OpenAI’s first developer conference. “You can list a GPT there and we’ll be able to feature the best and the most popular GPTs,” Altman said at the time.

But the launch was delayed following Sam Altman’s brief ouster at OpenAI later that month. 

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