Nintendo Switch 2 may break this annoying console launch problem — but there’s a catch

Historically, there never seem to be quite enough game consoles to go around at launch. With the launch of Sony’s PS5 and Microsoft’s Xbox Series X/S consoles in 2020, this console shortage problem was the worst its ever been, with people still struggling to find consoles two years post-launch. Luckily, anyone wanting to get their hands on a Switch 2 console (potentially later this year) might not have trouble finding one.

According to a recent Bloomberg report by Takashi Mochizuki, Nintendo plans to make over 10 million units of its next-gen console in its first fiscal year. Considering the “seven-year-old Switch console has sold over 132 million units,” 10 million initial units might not seem like that large of a number, but it’s a lot for first-year production goals.

10 million Switch 2 units… by when?

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