Just recentlz I told zou that Topaz has completely redone the website for their AI software. Chekc out the new pages at Photo Ai, Video AI, GigaPixel AI. And now we got updates:
Photo Ai Full changelog since version 3.0.0:
- Multiple exporting and batch optimizations, improving performance and significantly reducing memory usage with large batches of images
- Fixed an issue where external editors did not work with RAW or DNG files
- Fixed an issue where flipping the aspect ratio shrunk the selection in the crop tool
- Added a camera profile for the Sony ILCE-9M3
- Fixed an issue where the feathering slider did not appear
- Removed old carousel images to reduce application size
- Updated multiple components, tooltips, and icons to match Wonder UI
- Fixed typos, sentence casing and icons in multiple locations
- Automatic Lensfun update
GigaPixel AI Full changelog for version 7.1.2:
- Gigapixel’s EULA 14 was updated for commercial usage
- Add camera profile for the Sony ILCE-9M3
- Updated components and icons to bring them in-line with Wonder UI
- Disabled zoom shortcuts when the Recovery mode is active
- Disabled the tooltip for comparison in recovery
- Fixed an issue with Photoshop sometimes returning 1 for the PPI
- Fixed an issue with some TGA files not being able to open due to mismatching format
- Fixed an issue where clicking preview caused re-rendering
- Fixed an issue with scale resetting after rotation in crop
- Fixed an issue where certain DNGs would cause the app to crash
- Fixed an issue where deselected faces were not showing
- Fixed an issue with status sticking while blending faces in Face Recovery
- Fixed an issue that caused the cache to exceed normal memory usage limits
- Fixed an issue where flipping the aspect ratio in the crop tool shrunk the selection
- Fixed an issue where no scale was selected on custom width and height
- Fixed an issue with the plugin not closing if no images are loaded
- Fixed an output size misalignment issue in the open file view
- Fixed zoom levels being reversed in recovery for small images
- Fixed multiple text and icon misalignment issues
- Fixed some dialogs overlapping the title bar on windows