International Wedding Photographer of the Year (IWPOTY) has announced its 2023 winners. The overall winning image shows a bride as a curious bird landed on her head in the middle of reading vows. It simply radiates joy, and if it doesn’t make you smile today… Well, then, you’re a real Mr. Grumpy Pants.
The Grand Winner and runner-ups
The Grand winner of the 2023 IWPOTY is Tara Lilly, a wedding photographer based in Whistler, Canada. She was photographing a wedding of Mikaela and Mitch, an intimate ceremony in the mountains.
“We took 4×4 jeeps up to an alpine meadow, home to a number of animals including whiskey jacks. (If you’ve visited Whistler in the winter, you may have seen these small birds entertain skiers waiting in the lift line by landing on their ski poles held in the air.) Just as Mitch began his vows, a curious whiskey jack swooped in and landed directly on top of Mikaela’s head. Mikaela’s shock, surprise and laughter were not enough to dissuade this bird from his perch. ‘I’m Snow White!’ Mikaela laughed.”
Tara’s photo outranked over 1,700 images submitted across 11 categories by over 300 wedding photographers globally. She entered this wonderful, joy-filled photo into the “Single Capture” category and the judges liked it the most. By the way, the bird isn’t photoshopped. The rules bans entries in this category from manipulations beyond standard adjustments to color and exposure… So the curious birdie really came down to wish newlyweds good luck. 🙂

The Runner-up was Italian wedding photographer Carmelo Ucchino with this striking composition in the “Dance-Floor” category. It shows a newlywed couple embracing each other during their first dance as husband and wife while water cascades from the surrounding feature.

About the contest
The International Wedding Photographer of the Year Awards has now successfully completed its seventh year. Its main goal is supporting, rewarding, and celebrating exceptional wedding photography worldwide. The contest has its sights set on becoming the benchmark in wedding photography awards globally and continues to evolve and grow with the ever-changing landscape of the wedding industry.
For more information, visit WPOTY’s website, Instagram page, and Facebook page. And, of course, enjoy the category winners below!
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