Instagram’s Latest Feature: Downloading Reels Unveiled

In a recent update, Instagram, the popular social media platform owned by Meta, has rolled out a groundbreaking feature that allows users to download Reels from public accounts. This new capability empowers users to save their favorite Reels directly to their camera roll. However, before diving into this exciting new addition, there are some key details users need to be aware of.

Instagram’s New Feature Unveiled: Downloading Reels from Public Accounts

For those with public accounts, the ability to download and share Reels is open to anyone on the Instagram platform by default. This means your creative content is easily accessible unless you take steps to adjust your privacy settings. Interestingly, users under the age of 18 with public accounts will find downloading turned off automatically, prioritizing their privacy. Nevertheless, they retain the option to enable downloads if they wish.

On the flip side, private accounts offer a higher level of privacy. If your account is set to private, no one on Instagram can download your Reels. It’s a closed ecosystem that ensures your content remains within the boundaries of your followers. Even if a Reel isn’t eligible for offline viewing, you still can save it within the Instagram app for in-app viewing at a later time.

Important Aspects to Consider

When delving into the realm of downloading Reels, there are several crucial points to bear in mind:

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  1. Download Settings for Public Accounts: Only new Reels can be downloaded for public accounts unless specific download settings are adjusted.
  2. Watermark Inclusion: Downloaded Reels from public accounts come with an Instagram watermark, displaying the creator’s username and audio attribution.
  3. Settings Retroactivity: Changes to download settings won’t affect copies of Reels already downloaded on a device. It’s essential to consider this if you decide to modify your preferences.
  4. Original Audio Inclusion: If the original Reel had the download option enabled, the downloaded version may include the original audio.
  5. Usage Restrictions: Downloaded Reels should not be used for commercial purposes. After the download, Instagram has limited control over how the content is utilized.

Global Availability

Instagram Reels
Instagram Reels

Initially launched in the United States earlier this year, the Reels download feature has now become accessible worldwide. The global rollout commenced on November 23rd, marking a significant expansion of this feature’s availability.

Adam Mosseri, Head of Instagram, shared the exciting news with the Instagram community:

“Today, we’re thrilled to announce that you can now save Reels from public accounts to your camera roll. Each downloaded Reel comes with a watermark showcasing the creator’s Instagram handle. Originally launched in the US earlier this year, this feature is now accessible worldwide.

To download a Reel, simply tap the Share icon and select Download. Public accounts retain the option to disable downloads, ensuring creators have control over the distribution of their content. If a particular Reel isn’t downloadable, don’t worry—just tap the three dots and Save it for later viewing within the app.”


Instagram’s introduction of the Reels download feature marks a significant step in enhancing user experience and content sharing. While the option is readily available for public accounts, users, especially creators, should be mindful of the privacy implications and consider adjusting their settings accordingly. As Instagram continues to evolve its features, users can expect even more innovations that cater to their diverse preferences and creative expressions.

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