Freewrite Alpha: Is it a minimalist’s dream digial typewriter?

Ever since the typewriter succumbed to the PC, in particular the laptop, few and infrequent dedicated keyboard-based writing tools have come to market. In its waning years, typewriter heavyweight Smith Corona took a stab or two at equally heavyweight dedicated electronic word processors, that is, ones that weren’t integrated with a printer. 

Tandy courted writers with the WP2, a functionally streamlined version of its mobile powerhouse Model 100. Brother took a similar approach with the laptop and its PowerNote and Super PowerNote. And in Japan, office supply vendor King Jim has long offered its portable Pomera devices incorporating folding keyboards and e-paper displays. The most recent model almost made it to the USA in a failed crowdfunding bid. (Like previous models, though, its user interface can be switched to English.)

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