Costco Members Debunk 6 Myths About the Retailer

Myth: Costco warehouses don’t cater to surrounding populations.

A Costco Wholesale store in Colchester, Vermont, on November 13, 2023.

A Costco Wholesale store in Colchester, Vermont, on November 13, 2023.

Robert Nickelsberg/Getty Images

Costco warehouses generally look the same no matter where you shop, but that isn’t the case when it comes to products, David and Susan said.

According to the couple, items sold at Costco, especially those in the grocery aisles, depend massively on the location and the demographic of the surrounding population.

“Regionally, about 40% of the product is different,” Susan said.

The couple has visited over 200 Costcos worldwide, and they said they’ve come across plenty of unique delicacies sold exclusively in certain areas.

“In Alaska, you get reindeer sausage, and in Taiwan, the rotisserie chicken is sold with its head,” Susan said as an example. “Each warehouse has only 3,800 items, and it’s highly, highly curated.”

Susan and David aren’t the only ones to notice differences between Costco stores depending on the region.

Business Insider reporters Joey Hadden and Talia Lakritz previously visited locations in Canada and Iceland. They both saw an array of items not sold in the US, such as maple leaf cookies, Hungarian beef sausage, dried fish fillets, and Icelandic yogurt.

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