A laptop only needs one port — fight me

Is your laptop low on ports? Well, I suppose that glass is half empty, too, huh? Stay your eternal pessimism, reader. This could very well not be an issue of limited port selection, but a case of poor perspective. Allow me, if you will, to pose my hypothesis, the only way a laptop can be said to be low on ports, is if it has no ports. (I shouldn’t give Apple any ideas.)

Now look, I, like you, am no fan of the pedantic internet hot take. I’m not here to spout nonsense to boil your blood and rustle your jimmies. Those kinds of hot takes are as common as fleas on an alley cat and twice as likely to irritate if you get too close to them. So trust me when I tell you this, I believe it when I say it, I already know I’m right, and by the end of this article, you too will agree with me when I say…

A laptop only needs one port 

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