Spatial Computing: Another Step Towards Hyper Reality | by Fabio Lalli

Spatial Computing merges physical and digital realms, enhancing human-computer interaction. It utilizes AI, AR, VR, and IoT, transforming education, work, and entertainment, and paving the way for Hyper Reality, where virtual and real worlds become indistinguishable.

Spatial Computing marks a crucial evolution in the interaction between humans and computers, transcending traditional barriers between the physical and digital worlds to create a cohesive and interactive environment. This technology aims to transform electronic devices from mere computing tools, confined within the limits of a screen, into active partners capable of interacting with and understanding the space around us. Distinguishing it from pre-existing immersive technologies such as augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), and mixed reality (MR), is its ability to extend and integrate the user experience beyond traditional boundaries.

Augmented reality (AR) enriches the real world with digital overlays, virtual reality (VR) replaces the physical environment with a completely digital one, while mixed reality (MR) blends the two, allowing virtual objects to interact with the physical world convincingly. However, Spatial Computing embraces and surpasses these concepts, facilitating interactions with virtual objects that not only appear as part of our world…

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