The AI ‘revolution’ has done nothing but cause me trouble

Technology entered a new age last year, and ever since the “AI revolution,” all I could hear were people screaming from the rooftops about how “This is the future” and “It will change the industry as we know it.” I’m not one to buy into this sort of hearsay without giving it time, as these claims can quickly collapse in on themselves when no one finds a real use for said “amazing” new technology.

It doesn’t help that a number of the AI demonstrations that I’ve seen are unconvincing. “Look! We can make robotic-sounding NPCs interact with you in a video game!” “We can create uncanny videos and images of ‘photorealistic’ people!” “We can steal people’s art, feed it into our algorithm, and mimic their style!” All of which I translate to mean: “We can avoid paying developers, coders, and actors by having an AI do the work for them.” Even then, the ethically sound demonstrations usually involve automatic framing or background blur in cameras, which isn’t very exciting.

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