Text Game Decoded

Product Name: Text Game Decoded

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Text Game Decoded is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


Attention: Smart Guys Who Are Sick And Tired Of Flakey Numbers, Being Ghosted On & Not
Getting Anywhere With Text Game.

Over the last seven years, I’ve become known as one of the world’s top men’s dating and lifestyle coach thanks to the success of my groundbreaking “Natural system”.

And in that time, I’ve been fortunate to:

And over the years, I’ve shared all my knowledge with thousands of guys in-person, at my live seminars and bootcamps.

After obsessing over trying to find a dating method that would work for ANY guy…

…Regardless of looks, age, career or any other external factor…

My own dating life was proving to be very easy.

I would get one-night stands with gorgeous girls with ease. I had a date with a different girl every night of the week.

… There was still one major problem with my game, which was causing me untold headaches.

I could go out to a bar, or hit the streets for daygame and load up anywhere from 5-20 numbers in my phone.

But when I would text those girls, it was truly a numbers game.

Yes, the girls who really liked me would still text me back, but…

I assumed for a long time this was just the way it was meant to be.

I thought texting would always just be a numbers game, and there was nothing I could do about it.

But the most embarrassing moment was when I was with a student.

This guy was new to game, making rapid progress and he lined up a date with a girl he was really into.

They had been texting back and forth.

He texted me, asking what he should text her to get her to meet up with him that day.

I gave him a message, he sent it, and…

Not only did his girl NOT meet up with him. She didn’t even text him back! After days of back and forth text messages, she GHOSTED him.

That’s when I knew I had to make a change and figure out the texting game once and for all.

I went to Amazon and bought all the books on texting I could find.

I went online, watched every YouTube video I could find on texting, and devoured them all.

I even spent hundreds of dollars buying pickup programs, specifically on texting.

I was determined to figure this out, once and for all.

After taking in all this information, devising a new strategy for texting, I went out and applied it for a month.

I collected over 100 different numbers and texted them all with my new strategy, experimenting with new ideas.

I was still being flaked. Still being ghosted. And my texting still had zero

And funnily enough, that’s when I had my big epiphany!

In just the last couple years, the social landscape has completely changed, and there’s one reason why:

A few years ago, the average girl had maybe 2-3 guys who were texting her at any given time.

But today, even a regular girl who works at Walmart is being hit on my 20-30 guys per day… Just through text alone!

She has guys sliding into her DM’s constantly. She has her co-workers shooting her messages after work. And worst of all, she has a constant barrage of strangers who found her on Instagram, who are pumping up her ego.

You are fighting all of these guys for her attention.

… In a world where the average girls receives 25 messages per day, how do you stand out?

This became my obsession.

I was fortunate because around the time I had this epiphany, I started hanging out with a good friend of mine who was a promoter.

We’d be hanging out and his phone would be dinging with messages non-stop.

He would sometimes have 20 different girls text him inside an hour. And those weren’t girls who just wanted to get in the club.

“What are you doing ;)”

“Thinking about you. ”

“Baby, when are you coming over. I need you.”

In other words, they ALL wanted him.

And half the time, he wouldn’t even respond. There were just so many messages, he found it hard to keep up.

I asked him what he was doing, and he happily told me.

And his strategy was so unique and different, that I KNEW right away that it would work.

I knew it was the text game of the future.

I tried his strategy out for myself, and it worked from the very first time I used it.

It was amazing, and on this page, I’m going to show you EXACTLY what I learned, and how YOU can use it in your own life to get similar results.

But before we get into it, I need to give you the following warning.

If you’re sick and tired of flakey numbers, go-nowhere text message exchanges, and always having to come up with witty lines…

…Then Text Game Decoded will change your life.

I’m going to show you how you can get your hands on my highly-anticipated Text Game Decoded video masterclass…

… And I’ll show you how you can get it at a steep discount during this special promotional period.

But more importantly, I’m going to open your eyes and introduce you to a BRAND-NEW method of texting…

… Something completely different than all the PUA guys are teaching, which works like crazy.

And the best part is, you can get results:

In a moment, I’ll show you exactly what my secret to effortless texting is (and how you can also use it to get more dates, lays and girlfriends than you know what to do with)…

Ultimately, Text Game Decoded is for the guy who wants more freedom, more abundance and more experience with women…

… And you know reaching those goals is impossible without mastering the game of texting.

But before I tell you more about the program, there’s something you really need to understand.

When it comes to text game, the pickup community is still living like it’s 2006. The times and the technology has changed, and it’s time you make some changes too.

And this is great news, because the few guys who truly understand how text game works will have an unbeatable advantage.

So keep reading, and you’ll discover a brand NEW type of text game that is helping hundreds of “Alpha Males in the making” to unlock as many dates, lays and girlfriends as they desire.

We all know the “Try Hard Guy” when we see him. This is the guy who obsesses over each message trying to find the
perfect line to say.

He sends message after message trying to get more than just a “lol” in return.

He sends paragraphs while she sends words.

He sends his life story while she doesn’t even read the full message.

Ultimately, his witty lines comes back to bite him on the ass as he ends up looking super needy, and having the girl he’s
texting think:

“Has this guy EVER been laid?”

Look, we’ve all been there. So what should you do instead of being this fake and inauthentic guy?

Simple: Stop sending TEXTS & Start sending VIDEOS.

Instant Messenger & MySpace were cool… Back in 2004.

Text’s and Facebook were cool…Back in 2012.

But it’s 2018, the age of Instagram and DM.

And DM’s (as well as iMessage) allow us to do things we can’t do with SMS text messages. And that’s sending videos.

By sending short and simple video messages (and especially when you use my format which is specifically engineered to drive her crazy and make her obsess over you) you’ll be the only guy sliding into the DM’s who’s name she actually remembers.

You’ll stand out from the pack & authentically show yourself as the Alpha-male she wants to get her hands on.

There’s a cardinal rule in game: Don’t be boring.

Being boring is the ultimate unforgivable sin.

Yet so many guys fall into this category!

The Boring Guy doesn’t stand out in any way, boring her to tears and sending messages which do nothing but dry up her pussy.

“Hey, so I see you went to california last year on a trip. That is cool I’ve never been. How was the weather? That reminds me of when I went to Denver with my grandma. By the way… blah, blah, blah.]”

I nearly fell asleep just typing that…

Listen, in today’s world, even a regular girl who works at Walmart is being hit on my 20-30 guys per day… Just through text and Instagram alone!

Sending the same messages as everyone is a surefire way to never get laid. So if you’re happy to keep jerking off when you come home alone on Saturday nights, please keep sending these messages.

Look, to keep her attention, you must be exciting and engaging in every message! You need to separate yourself from the hoarde of other guys in her life, and leave her
thinking about you, staring at her phone to see if you’ve sent her a message.

Here’s what you need to do to stand out: Have a Celebrity Calibre Instagram profile.

There’s a reason Dan Bilzerian has slept with most of Las Vegas. And that’s in big part to this infamous Instagram.

Now, you may not be Dan Bilzerian – I’m not either – but here’s what you need to know.

When you meet a girl, either at a bar, during daygame or through Tinder, the first thing she’s going to do is find you on Instagram.

And she’s going to review your profile to get an idea of who you are, and whether or not you’re cool, exciting and sexy.

Now, having a celebrity calibre Instagram may seem intimidating. But don’t worry.

The average guy’s Instagram is full of selfies in his house, possibly of his food or hanging with the boys. In other words, completely boring and unmemorable.

You don’t need an Instagram like Dan Bilzerian’s – you just need to be better than all these Beta males she’s crossing paths with.

In a second, I’ll show you how to tweak your Instagram so as soon as girls see it, they think “Who is this guy!”

This is one of the secrets to getting super hot reactions over text, getting almost immediate responses and ultimately having her ask YOU “Do you want to meet up?”

The Desperate Guy is the creepiest of the lot.

This is the guy who is constantly begging for her attention.

She takes two hours to respond. He take two minutes.

She sends a few words. He sends paragraphs.

She checks her phone every hour or two. He checks his phone every minute.

Look, girls are highly attuned to high status indicators. And a lot of this comes down to safety.

Desperate guys are DANGEROUS guys – and I mean this in the worst possible way.

You have to remember that men are significantly stronger than women. If she ends up one-on-one with the wrong guy, he could easily become a stalker or commit an evil violent act.

Ever seen a picture of a school shooter? It’s always the creepiest, most desperate looking guys you’ve ever seen.

Now, that may sound ridiculous, but there’s decades of evolutionary psychology research backing this up. For her to ever meet up with you, you have to make her feel safe. Like she can trust you completely. Like you’re a good hearted man (yet dominant of course – nobody wants a little bitch. The point is, there’s a balance.)

So what else can you do to get out of this category and instead join the 10% of men who get 90% of the lays and dates?

Master The Psychology Of Text Game

While there are certain specific factors which make a guy seem creepy and desperate…

… There are also specific psychological hacks which make her feel completely at ease, like she can trust you and like she’s safe around you.

However, most guys have ZERO understanding of women’s psychology, so they never trigger these subconscious responses.

But don’t worry, in a second I’ll show you a few of these psychological texting hacks which you can put to use in your game for almost immediate results.

Look, if you haven’t been getting success with women, it’s NOT your fault.

You’ve been lied to about what works. All men have.

Instead, what you need is a brand new approach that…

If all of this sounds like something you might be interested in, then I’d like to introduce you to my brand-new program:

Here’s how you can be 100% positive that Text Game Decoded is going to help you get a steady stream of new girls out on dates (and into your bed).

Text Game Decoded has been used by hundreds of guys around the world to date the hottest girls of their life, and turn more numbers into dates, lays and girlfriends than anything else they’ve ever tried.

I’m so confident my system works for ANYONE regardless of looks, age, career or any of that external nonsense, that I’m going to give you the following deal.

Invest in Text Game Decoded today…

… Try it out for 60-days.

… And if, by the end of 60-days, you don’t feel you’re landing dates with the hottest girls of your entire life…

… Then just let me know and I’ll give you a full and prompt, money-back guarantee.

It’s really that simple. Either land dates with the hottest girls of your life, or let me know and I’ll give you your money back.

It couldn’t be more simple.

But it gets better, because in addition to a full refund, I’ll even let you keep the program. You don’t even have to return it.

If so, then click on one of the “buy now” buttons below and let’s get started.

Keep Creeping Girls Out with the same messages you’ve been sending, continue to get ghosted on a regular basis, and let things get worse and worse

Go on a crazy trial and error experiment, testing out hundreds of different messages styles on thousands of girls until you figure something out that works. Waste months and years of your life in clubs, on the streets and on Tinder lining up numbers, and then continue being frustrated that those numbers never actually go anywhere.

Join the program and get my proprietary system for turning numbers into dates with incredible ease.

Click the “Buy Now” button, and take 60 seconds to enter your information on my 100% up-to-date secure and encrypted form.

You’ll get INSTANT ACCESS to the program so you can immediately get started.

Just remember, you have absolutely nothing to lose, and in fact, you aren’t really even paying anything today.

Instead, you’re just taking the program for a test drive.

Because if you don’t get a hot date within 60 days, just let me know and I’ll immediately give you an unconditional, no-questions-asked refund.

So go ahead right now and sign up for the Text Game Decoded and I’ll see you in the program.

See you inside the program champ!

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This product contains adult language and situations, and is not meant for those under 18 years old. ClickBank is the retailer of products on this site. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 1444 S. Entertainment Ave., Suite 410 Boise, ID 83709, USA and used by permission. ClickBank’s role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of these products.

Click here to get Text Game Decoded at discounted price while it’s still available…

All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

Text Game Decoded is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

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