This Adobe and Christian Cowan collaboration feels like photoshopping clothes in real-time

Forget static garments. At New York Fashion Week, visionary designer Christian Cowan unveiled a groundbreaking collaboration with Adobe: the world’s first electronically reconfigurable dress. Crafted with Adobe‘s “Primrose” technology, this stunning creation redefines what’s possible in fashion, where art and technology dance in perfect harmony.

Cowan’s showstopper features laser-cut polymer “petals” that morph at the flick of a switch, transforming into his signature stars. This magic lies in flexible printed circuit boards beneath the petals, allowing them to shift between shades, bringing the dress to life. It’s a testament to the boundless potential of Primrose, blurring the lines between static clothing and dynamic expressions of art.

Tech fashion is the future

Fashion Meets Future: Adobe and Christian Cowan Reimagine Clothing with Tech

(Image credit: Future)

Cowan, ever pushing boundaries, was immediately drawn to the technology’s potential and its sustainable edge. “I am honored to be the first designer to showcase how this impactful technology can bring fabric and designs to life in ways like never before,” he proclaims.

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