Konami’s video games and pilates studios are ticking over nicely

Metal Gear Solid publisher Konami reported a bump in game revenue over the past nine months.

The company’s fiscal results for the nine months ended December 31, 2023, show revenue within its Digital Entertainment arm increased by 10.8 percent year-on-year to 173.4 billion yen ($1.18 billion).

Business profit within the segment, which houses its video game operations, also rose by 49.4 percent to 55.9 billion yen ($381 million) over the same period.

Konami said the release of titles like Momotaro Dentetsu World-Chikyu wa Kibou de Mawatteru!, which has now shipped over 1 million units, and Metal Gear Solid: Master Collection Vol. 1 were partly responsible for that upswing.

The Japanese company believes the video game market is becoming “increasingly diversified” thanks to the spread of “next generation communication systems” and a rising interest in eSports. It’s hoping to capitalize on those trends by releasing digital-only titles, browser games, and digital trading card games like Ore’n.

“Ongoing efforts include updates to eFootballTM 2024, which is now available on home, PC, and mobile platforms, and has evolved to be a more enjoyable solo or multiplayer gaming experience. The co-op for collaborative play has become easier to play a new mode My League has been added, and the game continues to perform well,” said Konami, discussing its project slate.

“In October 2023, we collaborated with Yu Darvish for Professional Baseball Spirits Ace, which celebrated its eighth anniversary since its launch, and collaborated with Ichiro for Pawafuru Puroyakyu Eikan Nine Cross Road, which has surpassed 11 million registered users.”

Konami’s esports and… pilates studios

Konami continues to explore the world of eSports by hosting eBaseball, eFootball, and Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters tournaments.

Touching briefly on the company’s other business ventures, Konami also revealed it has opened 18 pilates studios this fiscal year, meaning it now owns with a cumulative 23 studios in total. We suppose it’s important to be flexible in the corporate world.


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