The 4 devices kickstarting a year of AI at CES 2024

If you’ve been following along with CES 2024 then you may have heard the phrase “Year of AI” here or there, much like you will have done last year too. There was an explosion of AI services, tools, and software in 2023, and it seems like this particular Pandora’s box isn’t closing any time soon. This year’s sequel, the year of AI 2: Electric Boogaloo, pertains to the forecasted expansion and wider adoption of AI throughout the tech world — and we mean throughout.

We’re no longer talking about yet another drab generative AI chatbot to toss on the growing pile of ChatGPT clones — AI is being implemented in more and more kinds of devices to improve performance, enhance automation, and bring a little more life and personality into the devices we interact with daily. Plus, it’s kind of fun. Isn’t it? Nobody ever said the AI apocalypse couldn’t be a little fun, after all.

To that end, CES 2024 has, so far, showcased everything from absolutely-not-appropriating-a-popular-Disney-character AI robots for the home to new Large Action Models (LAMs) that are oxymoronically small enough to fit inside your pocket. However, let’s sprinkle a dash of suspense on things and leave some mystery in place for your scrolling pleasure as we dive into our list of the 4 devices kickstarting the year of AI at CES 2024. 

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